Day care
Bethany Centre
One of our core values is ‘community’. In addition to the care home, we offer day care at the Bethany Centre, located immediately across from the home.
We believe that this facility can help residents with social stimulation which in turn reduces the risk of loneliness and isolation through meeting new friends and sharing life experiences. Games, meals, dedicated staff and youthful endeavours help bring out the child at heart – collaborating with the community to bring everyone together which benefits, not only our clients but also those around the centre.
We have made our way into the heart of the community and created a space to be proud of. Our facility offers the ability to hire to a variety of groups within the community, as well as use to our residents for specialist occasions.
Current groups using the centre range from religious groups, dance classes and our very own play group – with a twist- Wrinkles and Dimples. Our costings are as follows: awaiting costings to come over to us from Sue